Natural Choice Early Learning - FDC is assessed under the National Quality Framework. The broad objective of the National Quality Framework is to ensure that children in family day care have stimulating, positive experiences and interactions that foster all aspects of their development. It does this by defining quality in family day care and by providing a framework for measuring quality in a childcare setting.
The National Quality Framework process aims to provide children in Family Day Care with high-quality care that promotes their learning and development. It's about ongoing service improvement that involves all stakeholders including Educators, Coordination Unit Staff, Management, Parents and Children.
The National Quality Framework is an Australian Government initiative and is managed by the EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION and CARE OFFICE.
Natural Choice Early Learning - FDC does not expect Educators to program at a teacher standard, but we do expect that all their programming be play-based. Parents choose FDC because of the small group of children & that there is more 1 on 1 than in a child care centre. Programs should be simple & child-focused. There are many ways to program & as long as Educators meet the Early Years Learning Framework requirements they can create any format that suits them.
Programming for each child's experiences is integral to providing a high-quality service. Each Educator should develop a style of care that enables them to gather information that builds on the children's strengths, interests and needs. Information gathering tools can include but are not limited to the completion of forms, photos, diaries, paintings, audio media, surveys, observations and conversations with families children and other stakeholders. This information gathering will provide the Educator with information on the child's relationships, family backgrounds, lifestyles, interests, language, culture and community and will assist in planning to meet the individual development needs of each child in care.
"All children have the best start in life to create a better future for themselves and for the nation.” The Early Years Learning Framework draws on conclusive international evidence that early childhood is a vital period in children’s learning and development. It has been developed with considerable input from the early childhood sector, early childhood academics and the Australian and State and Territory Governments. The Framework forms the foundation for ensuring that children in all early childhood education and care settings experience quality teaching and learning. It has a specific emphasis on play-based learning and recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development. The Framework has been designed for use by early childhood educators working in partnership with families, children’s first and most influential educators.
The Framework conveys the highest expectations for all children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transitions to school. It communicates these expectations through the following five Learning Outcomes:
The Framework provides broad direction for early childhood Educators in settings to facilitate children’s learning. It guides Educators in their curriculum decision-making and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating quality in early childhood settings. It also underpins the implementation of more specific curriculum relevant to each local community and early childhood setting. The Framework is designed to inspire conversations, improve communication and provide a common language about young children’s learning among children themselves, their families, the broader community, early childhood Educators and other professionals
Natural Choice Early Learning - FDC policies play a vital role in the operation of the Service and in the Family Day Care Educator's business. The Service's policies guide the actions of everyone involved in caring for children and ensure consistency. Policies ensure that the well-being of all stakeholders in the Service are planned for. They create common understandings and expectations about how things are done within the Service. The Service's policies are in accordance with the National Quality Standards and child care legislation and give a step by step guide of what's expected. The Service's policy manual is reviewed regularly and new policies added when needed. Policies are public documents and can be viewed at any time by interested parties. Feedback on the Service's policies is also welcomed.